Overdentures – A Secure and Stable Option for Tooth Loss

Overdentures, also known as overlay dentures, are a type of denture offered by the dentist in East Charlotte, NC. These are placed over existing teeth or dental implants. They are designed to provide a more secure and stable fit than traditional dentures, while also preserving the natural teeth and gums. 

When are overdentures indicated? 

Indications for overdentures include:

  • Partially edentulous patients: Missing some teeth, but not all, in the upper or lower jaw.
  • Unstable or loose dentures: Existing dentures that are ill-fitting, loose, or cause discomfort.
  • Dental implants: Patients with dental implants seek a more secure and natural-looking smile.
  • Tooth loss due to decay or trauma: Teeth lost due to decay, trauma, or other factors, and seeking a restoration option.
  • Gum disease: Patients with advanced gum disease seek a treatment option that preserves remaining teeth.
  • Dental erosion: Teeth worn down due to acid erosion, seeking a restoration option.
  • Congenitally missing teeth: Patients born with missing teeth seek a restoration option.
  • Failed fixed bridge: Failed fixed bridge or crown seeking a more secure option.
  • Sensitivity or pain: Teeth sensitive or painful due to decay, cracks, or other factors.
  • Aesthetic concerns: Seeking a more natural-looking smile or improved self-confidence.
  • Masticatory difficulties: Difficulty chewing or speaking due to tooth loss or ill-fitting dentures.
  • Systemic health: Patients with systemic health conditions, such as diabetes, seek a more secure and stable oral restoration.

What are the types of overdentures?

Types of overdentures include:

  • Tooth-supported overdentures: Supported by natural teeth, typically using precision attachments or clasps.
  • Implant-supported overdentures: Supported by dental implants, providing greater stability and retention.
  • Hybrid overdentures: Combination of tooth and implant support, ideal for patients with limited natural teeth.
  • Bar-retained overdentures: Supported by a metal bar attached to dental implants, providing stability and retention.
  • Ball-retained overdentures: Supported by ball-shaped attachments on dental implants, providing secure retention.
  • Magnetic overdentures: Supported by magnetic attachments on dental implants, providing easy removal and insertion.
  • Telescopic overdentures: Supported by telescoping crowns on natural teeth or implants, providing stability and retention.
  • Cast metal overdentures: Made from cast metal, providing strength and durability.
  • Flexible overdentures: Made from flexible materials, ideal for patients with sensitive gums or teeth.
  • Immediate overdentures: Placed immediately after tooth extraction, allowing for quick recovery and aesthetics.

How are overdentures fabricated?

The fabrication process of overdentures includes:

  • Initial consultation: Discuss treatment options, goals, and expectations.
  • Impressions: Take impressions of the mouth, including teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues.
  • Model creation: Create a model of the mouth from the impressions.
  • Diagnosis and planning: Evaluate the model, diagnose, and plan the overdenture treatment.
  • Try-in: Create a try-in overdenture to assess fit, aesthetics, and function.
  • Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments to the try-in overdenture.
  • Final impression: Take a final impression with the try-in overdenture in place.
  • Denture base fabrication: Create the overdenture base using the final impression.
  • Teeth selection and arrangement: Select and arrange artificial teeth for aesthetics and function.
  • Try-in and adjustments: Try in the overdenture and make final adjustments.
  • Processing and finishing: Process and finish the overdenture, including polishing and quality control.
  • Delivery and insertion: Deliver and insert the overdenture, making any necessary adjustments.
  • Follow-up appointments: Schedule follow-up appointments for evaluation and adjustments.

Additional steps may be necessary depending on the type of overdenture, such as:

  • Implant placement and healing
  • Attachment or clip placement
  • Metal framework fabrication
  • Acrylic or ceramic processing

What are the benefits of overdentures?

Overdentures offer the following benefits:

  • Improved stability and retention
  • Preservation of natural teeth and gums
  • Enhanced chewing and speaking ability
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Customizable to individual needs

Overdentures offer a unique solution for individuals seeking a more secure and natural-looking smile. With proper care and maintenance, overdentures can provide years of comfortable and confident wear. Consult a dental professional to determine if overdentures are right for you.

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